Documentation owner at n8n

Screenshot of the n8n docs homepage

From February 2022 to July 2024 I owned the documentation for n8n, a low-code automation platform. I was responsible for all aspects of the docs. You can view the docs GitHub repo here.

Some highlights:

  • Designed, proposed, and implemented new tooling and information architecture. Delivered an improved authoring experience, lower-maintenance tooling, more performant and comprehensive search, and a more browsable information architecture.
  • Project managed the docs, including: setting quarterly goals, implementing analytics and using them to prioritise projects, defining collaboration and contribution processes across teams.
  • Overhauled existing content and filled gaps: ensured up-to-date and complete information, in a consistent and clear style to improve readability. This included creating new code tutorials, and overhauling existing code samples.
  • Provided documentation for new features, with documentation ready at release. This helped marketing as they prepared for launches, as well as ensuring support for users.
  • Managed contractors and assisted with interviewing candidates